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Water and fertilizer automation equipment - acid regulating machine

Water and fertilizer automation equipment - acid regulating machine

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  • Release time:2023-11-08 09:50:25
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Water and fertilizer automation equipment - acid regulating machine

In the water and fertilizer irrigation system, due to the different water quality of the water source will present different pH values, which will directly affect the fertilizer pH prepared by the fertilizer applicator, thus affecting the growth of crops, so the control of the water source is very important. If the water source is pre-conditioned acid, it is easier to manage the root environment of the crop and maintain a stable pH value.

Knight's PH-Unit acid mixer releases a certain amount of acid into the daily water supply tank to bring the pH down to 5.8-6. This, together with a pump, recyles the water, continuously measures the pH, and rapidly releases CO2 by stirring to ensure that the pH of the water source meets the requirements of the irrigation water.


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